7 Features Every eCommerce Website Must Offer - eFusion Technology
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7 Essential Features That An E-Commerce Website Should Offer

28 Nov 2019

Online shopping is all the rage nowadays. You’ll save time, money, and energy if you shop online. For that reason, many of us visit eCommerce websites in search for the products they need.

Your eCommerce website is the equivalent of a retail store. Therefore, it’s important to build and design a website that provides a smooth user experience.  In that case, what are some of the essential features that your website should offer?

1. Mobile-optimised experience

In a Mobile-first world, everything is digitized – from food deliveries, shopping for winter clothes, making an appointment etc. We are engaged with our mobile devices most of the time to carry out our daily tasks. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that your eCommerce website provides a mobile-optimised experience, in order to gain a competitive edge.

Optimise your website for mobile phones for smoother and more convenient user experience. Without it, the exact opposite will happen, and you might lose a few customers as a result.

As you design your web page, optimise it for mobile phones to gain more customers along the way. Doing so should also improve your sales and rankings.

2. High-quality images and videos

Your customers won’t buy what they can’t see, so provide high-quality images of your products. High-resolution photos will make sure the customer sees their product in its current condition.

Remember to include not just one, but several photos of your products so customers can view every angle. You could also add videos so your customers can get a good feel for your products.

3. Customer reviews and ratings

How will your customers know if your products are reliable? Simple: Promote customer reviews.

Customer reviews promote transparency, something that everyone appreciates. Products with customers reviews have higher chances of being bought compared to those without reviews.

Encourage transparency and provide proof that your company offers legitimate products and services. To do so, let your customers be heard and offer user-generated content.

4. Cybersecurity

Online transactions may be convenient, but there’s still the issue of privacy and security. Even with the inception of stronger and more advanced cybersecurity features, some people fear the dangers of online shopping.

To solve such a dilemma, enhance your website’s security measures. Some of the essential security features include:

  • SSL certificate
  • Updated software
  • Backups
  • Sophisticated passwords
  • Integrated firewall

5. FAQs and information

Detailed FAQs are an essential component for any website, primarily in the eCommerce industry. Online shopping encourages customers to cover all the necessary details to guarantee their transactions are legitimate.

Make sure to provide information about the most commonly asked questions, including customer support, contact details, passwords, return policy, etc.

6. Shipping details

Provide details of the shipping fee, location, and return policy early in the checkout process; this should affect the buyer’s decision. For instance, customers are highly likely to purchase more products if the shipping fee is free. On the other hand, expensive shipping fees might scare potential buyers.

Either way, be transparent of your services as early as possible to make the shopping experience more convenient for your buyers.

7. Suggestions for similar items

If you want to hook your buyers into shopping for more products, show items similar to their purchase.

For example, a customer just bought a new pair of shoes. Show related items during their checkout process to encourage them to buy more products.


These features are vital components for building an eCommerce website. Remember to include these as you push forward with your eCommerce web design and development process.

For dependable eCommerce web design services, contact EFUSION TECHNOLOGY at (65) 6292 3086 or (65) 6291 3382. We’re a leading eCommerce company in Singapore that provides capable website design services.

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