If you would like to make the planning of your next event and the registration process easier, you may want to consider using an online event registration system. Eliminate manual input errors and problems of illegible handwriting by getting attendees to submit their information online instead.
Event fees to be paid for the events can be customised to fit various criteria and registration types e.g. early-bird dates, different categories, membership and promo codes.
Although online event registration systems come in a number of different formats, they are, essentially, online applications where your prospective event attendees can register for the upcoming events they wish or need to attend. Such systems provides provides a seamless process and customer experience from Registration to Payment to Acknowledgement (confirmation slip printing).
Administrators can also easily churn out reports for data analysis, accounting and reporting purposes.
Registration system can be customised for Ticket application, Lucky draw, Warranty submission, Membership application etc.
Registration system built by eFusion Technology
- Great Eastern Women 10K (15,000 registrations with online credit card payment)
- Cold Storage Kids Run (8,000 registrations with online credit card payment)
- NUH Family Day
- It’s A Date
- Amore Women’s Day Out
- International Coloractel Scientific Congress (ICSC)
- Teach Less Learn More Conference (TLLM)
- Yogamania
- Singapore and Hong Kong OSIM Trianthlon