It is becoming common knowledge among business owners just how important having a good website is for a business. A poor web design can turn customers away, while not having any web presence at all can put your business at a disadvantage. In contrast, a good website and website strategy alone can make it much easier to start or grow a robust business. However, there are many misconceptions out there about how websites are designed and the entirety of the web design process. In this article, we’ll take a look at what some of these misconceptions are and put them to rest.
Misconception 1: The website will automatically attract visitors once live
Plenty of business owners out there are misguided by the expectation that their website will automatically start attracting visitors the moment it has gone live, generating leads naturally. But having a website is only the start because generating leads and turning online users into customers is a process that requires time, effort and skill. Additionally, you should also put focus on things like search engine optimization, paid ads, guest posts and video ads to direct traffic for your site. When this is done, you’ll find out which strategies work best for your website, and begin to see an increase in traffic.
Misconception 2: There is no need for more work once the website is up
Website design is an ongoing process – your site is a digital representation of your business, so it makes sense that your website should grow along with your operations. Your website must be updated regularly with content, plugins, security extensions and service updates in order to remain relevant with the trends. Doing so will ensure your website is kept running with outstanding performance and flawless workflow.
Misconception 3: Aesthetics is the most important aspect
An aesthetically pleasing website might be visually appealing, but it won’t necessarily account for an increase in sales. Some business owners think the design of their website has more to do with the performance of their business than it really does. But in actual fact, it’s the quality of your products or services that really matter. If you choose to prioritise your website’s aesthetics, it’ll only be a matter of time before people see through it, and word will spread fast. However, if you concentrate on creating real value for your visitors, your site will serve its purpose, without the need to overdo it where design is concerned.
Misconception 4: Web design is easy
Web design is a complex process that requires a lot of skill and expertise. Most web designers have had to go through professional training, and the best ones have years of experience designing websites that not only look great but also work to pull in qualified leads. Additionally, there is a lot of research needed that goes into designing a website to accurately reflect your company’s brand in a way that appeals to your ideal audience. This is why it is highly recommended to hire a credible web design company such as eFusion Technology to help solidify your position as a business, offering your visitors a greater sense of confidence in you.
We hope this article has been helpful in clearing up a few common misconceptions about website design. Web development is not a straight-forward process. It is therefore important to keep an open communication with your web designer to ensure mistrust doesn’t occur.
If you’re looking to hire a professional web designer, reach out to our team of experts at eFusion Technology to help with all your web design needs.